Camera M

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Exposure Bracketing with Camera M

How to Exposure Bracket

So how do you capture these three different images and how do you set the different exposure values? There are two distinctively different ways to go about this.

Method 1: Point-and-Shoot

The first method to capture brackets with Camera M is to simply point and shoot. Just put Camera M in Bracket mode, select the desired image format mode (ProRAW, RAW, HEIF, or JPEG) and capture with a single tap. Camera M figures out the current exposure and captures three different images from what is visible on the camera preview. The first shot is underexposed, at -2EV, the second shot is normally exposed at 0EV, and the third at overexposed +2EV, as seen below.

Use Manual Controls

With this method, you can also use manual controls, such as manual exposure, focus, or white balance. When adjusting exposure, you can either change exposure bias (EV) on the main screen or explicitly set manual ISO and exposure duration within the Exposure screen (split screen). Again, Camera M will automatically figure out the -2EV, 0EV, and +2EV values from your settings. Once captured, you will see a number 3 badge in the last photo thumbnail on the main control panel to confirm that you captured three different shots.

When setting manual exposure, you also have a plethora of powerful tools to assist you: live RGB histogram, luminance histogram, highlight and shadow alert display, and more…

Method 2: Multiple Exposure Points

If you want more granular control over standard -2EV, 0EV, and +2EV shots, you can use Camera M’s innovative way of defining individual exposure points for bracketing.

Technical FAQ

Is image stabilization supported??

Camera M supports hardware optical and sensor stabilization, where available, for all exposure bracket captures. This is something we are highly proud of.

Why only three exposure bracket captures? Why not more?

By default, the Bracket mode captures three shots in 2EV gaps. We decided not to do five, seven, or even nine shots due to several reasons:

  • The dynamic range is excellent in recent iPhone and iPad cameras

  • More shots equate to a slower capture process

  • More shots equate to a lower dynamic range in each shot

  • More shots equate to a lower image quality in each shot

Camera M Bracket mode has been available since 2019 and we have been improving it ever since. We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on it. So please feel free to contact us via email: